Photo by Aleona at Shutterstock
Once upon a time buying engagement rings was a simple art. You simply chose either an emerald or princess cut for your fiancé that was worth at least six times your salary. There wasn’t much to it, and you didn’t have to worry because chances are your future spouse would just be delighted you proposed. These days, in the time of viral proposals, filmed proposals, and Instagram announcements, engagement rings are not quite as simple to pick out. These days the ring is just one of the many things you need to take care of, and it needs to coordinate with everything from your proposal up to your wedding.
If you are feeling a little stressed while looking at engagement rings, it may be helpful to read over some basic tips. Keep in mind that at the end of the day, whether it looks good on social media or not the end result of the proposal should be gaining a life partner. Try to focus more on your partner and less on your engagement rings options and it may be easier to keep your focus. Before buying a final ring here are some quick tips to help you ensure the ring you choose is the right one.
Avoid the Trends
It can be easy to get swept away by the latest engagement rings trends, but remember that an engagement ring should be timeless. If you are lucky, your ring will be the only one your wife ever owns, and that means it will last decades. As an adult or a grandparent, you don’t want a trendy ring, you want one that stands the test of time. Therefore, when buying an engagement ring it is wise to think about how the ring will age with your fiancé.
If you are lucky the engagement ring will become an heirloom piece that can be passed on from generation to generation. Instead of focusing on the trends, think about your partner and take some time to discreetly figure out the big questions. For instance, do they prefer to wear platinum or gold? Pay attention to the jewelry they wear on a regular basis to get an idea. Also, think about their overall personality, do they tend to wear statement pieces, or do they prefer minimal pieces? These factors should play a much larger role in your final choice than what is currently trendy. Before heading into a Vail, CO jewelry store, make sure you know the answers to these questions.
Size Doesn’t Have to Matter
A lot of guys head into a jewelry shape concerned that size is the most important thing to worry about while looking at engagement rings. However, in a lot of cases size is not the largest factor. Keep in mind that diamonds are graded by their color, cut, carat, and clarity. You will notice that size is not on that list, because a diamond’s worth does not solely depend on that.
When it comes down to it, it probably heavily depends on the preferences of your partner which you should know before heading out to look at engagement rings. If they tend to be showier in terms of personal style they may want a larger ring, but more and more career women don’t want to be associated with bling. In this instance, they may be more inclined to go with something small and against the mold. A lot of women are more about individuality than they are about size, so make sure you are really thinking about your fiancé and not just size when you walk into the store. It should be about getting the best ring you can afford that speaks to you, not about getting the biggest ring you can afford.
You Don’t Need a Grade D Diamond
Along that same train of thought, you don’t necessarily need a Grade D diamond either. While you definitely don’t want to purchase a grade Z diamond, which honestly can be hard to find if you are working with a reputable jeweler, you need to think more about your partner than the grade. Once again, pay attention to the overall style of the ring and then ensure the diamond has a reasonable grade. The stone doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should radiate the emotion you want it to.
Know the Backstory of Your Diamond
Women today want to know about their diamonds. They love the story. Not only does it look good on their social media post, but it is a story they can continue to tell for years to come. A lot of suppliers can tell you the journey the diamond took from the mine to the marketplace. Some diamonds even have more stories behind them or inspiration behind the creation of the ring. Take some time to talk about the engagement rings on your shortlist with the jeweler you visit in Vail, CO. This is just one perk of working with a small jewelry shop instead of shopping at a franchise jewelry shop.
There’s More to an Engagement Ring Than the Diamond
Finally, when looking at engagement rings remember that there is more to an engagement ring than just the diamond. The setting is just as important. It helps to think of the diamond as the artwork and the setting as the frame that surrounds it. You want to ensure that the frame really brings out the beauty of the engagement ring for it to make the impact you are after. Settings can be bold or soft depending on the emotion that you hope to convey. If you are ready to start looking at engagement rings then head down to Matheu’s Fine Watches & Jewelry and look at our many options.