Photo by Bjoern Wylezich at Shutterstock
Whether you are looking for an engagement ring or just something to upgrade your jewelry collection in Denver, CO your eye might be drawn towards lab grown diamonds. However, if you have never heard of such a thing, you may have some questions about whether or not a diamond grown in a lab is comparable to one that is mined. As they grow more popular, a lot of people have the same question which is why we have created this easy-to-follow guide to lab-grown diamonds.
These days a lot of people feel uncomfortable about diamonds because of the blood diamonds scandal, but most diamonds are actually not mined this way contrary to popular belief. Despite that though, lab-grown diamonds are a nice way to avoid the entire subject area and still get to wear a shiny diamond on your ring. There are very few women who won’t admit that there is just something indescribable about owning their own diamond. Therefore, if you want to truly impress your girl or your friends with a new diamond ring, it’s time to learn a few things about what this popular option is and what it means to you as you are ring shopping locally.
Do Lab Grown Diamonds Look the Same?
While it seems crazy that you can grow a diamond in a lab, it actually makes sense. Natural diamonds are formed over time deep in the earth’s crust, so it stands to reason that replicating the natural process could create dazzling diamonds. Diamonds grown in a lab actually look the same and are the same both physically and chemically. Given they are formed the same way, they are actual diamonds but they cost a bit less which can make it possible to get a bigger rock on your finger for the same price as a traditional diamond in Denver, CO.
If you are new to shopping for diamonds you may not know what to call lab grown diamonds, but they go by many different names including lab grown, lab made, synthetic, cultured, and lab created. Regardless of what you call it if you are shopping at a reputable jeweler they should be able to figure out what you mean. However, be careful with your terminology because you don’t want a fake gem, simply one that was created via a different process.
So What are the Differences Between Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds?
As mentioned, both diamonds look almost identical, and unless you happen to be a professional you probably won’t be able to tell the difference. However, there are a few things that a trained eye will look at to determine the difference between lab grown diamonds and traditional diamonds. To do this you will also need to have a magnifying glass and take a very close look. Of course, this is also great news because no one will likely be inspecting your ring with a close magnifying glass so if you go with these diamonds they will look exactly like a traditional one to the rest of the world.
Once you have the magnifying glass, flip lab grown diamonds over to the girdle which is the largest part of the diamond measured in width when you look straight down on it. If it was made in a lab there will be a tiny inscription that denotes the lab it was made in. Sometimes diamonds will also have a number placed on the girdle that relates to the lab it was made at. You can look for the website of the lab and get a full report on the diamond including whether or not it was made in a lab or mined.
If you cannot find an inscription in the girdle then you would need to take your diamond into a major gemological lab to find out where it came from which would not change its value or its appearance. Therefore, it is not something that you should worry about too much, but some people continue to push so you may wonder if there are any other avenues you can take to find out whether or not a diamond was made in a lab or not.
Will a Diamond Tester Reveal if the Diamond is Lab Grown?
While it seems as if a diamond tester should be able to tell the difference between lab-grown diamonds and traditional diamonds, then it actually won’t. This is because lab grown diamonds will still have the same electrical and thermal conductivity as any diamond that was mined from the mountains. Therefore, this will not help you in your quest to find out where your diamond came from outside of learning the fact when you first buy the diamond from a local jeweler.
With that in mind, your next question is probably whether or not the jeweler will be able to tell the difference between a diamond that was mined or lab-made if they did not acquire it from a specific source. In other words, can you pop into a jeweler and ask for their opinion? However, unless there is a girdle inscription that the jeweler can find then there is a good chance that they also will not be able to tell the difference. However, if your local jeweler happens to be a gemologist with formal training they may have a microscope on hand that might reveal the difference, but in the end, they will probably advise you that it is not significant to know whether or not your diamond is mined or lab-grown.
Either way, lab grown diamonds are a great choice if you are looking for an ethical diamond that is a little bit more affordable than a traditional diamond. If you would like to learn more about lab grown diamonds we invite you to come down and see us as Matheu’s Fine Watches & Jewelry in Denver, CO.