Sometimes, whether you have common or uncommon watch repair issues, you need uncommon customer service. That’s what you’ll find at Matheu’s Fine Watches & Jewelry in [...]
We can all relate to the feeling of our timepiece breaking and not knowing what to do. Maybe the watch is vintage; maybe it’s brand new. Maybe you haven’t used the watch for a while. [...]
As an owner of Rolexes, you know how important it is to find the right jeweler to repair your luxury timepiece. Not every shop claims to be an expert in Rolex watch repair. That’s why [...]
When you buy a Rolex watch, you are buying a timeless watch that will likely age with you. With any luck, you and the watch will age gracefully together or at least as well as a fine wine. Unlike [...]
Whether you have a high-end luxury watch or a regular one, it will eventually need servicing. You can avoid a more expensive watch repair in Denver, CO, by knowing all the warning signs that [...]
Buying an engagement ring can be a stressful endeavor especially when you have no idea how to choose the perfect ring. Don’t worry; we have the solution for you! In this article, [...]
There are two main reasons why people buy Rolex watches, the first of which is because of the brand’s strong image. A Rolex is known for last and is known as a status symbol. Not everyone [...]
Luxury watches are incredibly expensive — some of them can cost several thousands of dollars. You’d want to protect this investment by properly caring for your watch. In this article, [...]
Unless you happen to be in the jewelry business or the business of collecting as many precious pieces of jewelry as you can, then you may not have heard the term lab grown diamonds. However, as [...]
Congratulations! It’s time to start shopping for just the right engagement ring. It can be exciting to shop for an engagement ring, and it’s easy to get caught up in the romance. [...]